Matt Bingham

RYT 500

My first yoga class was at NAYC in 2012. It changed my life! After that first class, I knew yoga was something I wanted to continue practicing the rest of my life. It gave me a gift of being able to find peace and has been a tool that I've been able take anywhere along with me. I wanted to explore and learn more about yoga, so I took the teacher training program at our studio in 2014. I hadn't taken the teacher training so I could start teaching, but I ended up teaching a couple early morning classes that fall. I am so grateful to continually do something so rewarding and healthy for myself and others. I am open to all types of yoga practices, but I am continually drawn to center my classes around the intention (and challenge) of extending the breath. Taking long deep breaths has helped me so much in my life and I've found it to be the most helpful tool to work through the physical yoga poses. I have continued my studies with Rod Styker, Leslie Kaminoff, Jillian Pransky and others that I've taken classes with. I'm committed to continue to learn so that my own teaching can grow and benefit from it.

I also have a love of music and intentionally combine music in my classes not only in the playlist, but by playing a song or two at the end of class on my acoustic guitar.

Some non yoga interests are: Spending time with my wife, running, hiking, reading, writing, cooking, listening to and writing music.