Malisa Szalkiewicz

Studio Owner

MEd, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT

As a tenured yoga teacher and owner of Northern Arizona Yoga Center, Malisa is passionate about evolving in her own education and supporting individuals as they deepen their understanding of the benefits of yoga. Having earned a Master's Degree of Education, Malisa truly has the heart of a teacher and uses the innate power and tools of yoga to help her students and patients find a sense of inner peace and enjoy being in their bodies. She has dedicated herself to supporting yoga teachers in Flagstaff since 2011 by offering yoga teacher trainings. It brings her abundant joy to see Vertical Soul Yoga Graduates teaching all over Flagstaff, and across the nation. For the last three years she has delved into bringing yoga therapy into medical settings for patients with chronic pain. Working with Neurosurgeon, Dr. Whitney James and Yoga Therapist, Kori Moore-Gibson, they have launched their company, Inner Atlas, which is currently expanding across Northern Arizona.